Life is all about Learning

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

Life is a continuous learning process. Life is all about learning and discovering new things.  Learning doesn’t stop when you graduate from college. That is just the beginning. We learn in every experience that had happened in our life. We learn from our bad experiences as well as good experiences. It should never stop. Let’s discover it.

Improve your Productivity with Google Search's I'm Feeling Lucky in Chrome

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

We use Google a lot. Sometimes to open a known website we don’t type its full address in the address bar. We just type the name, hit enter. So google search will return it as the first page and we will click the search result to open that page. Yes even though it is fast, it takes some time. We can do that directly. But, how?

What happens when your internet connection is down?

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

In a time where Internet has became one of the necessity to survive for a human being, you just can’t afford to get disconnected. Let’s say this in a better way, you just can’t get disconnected even if you can afford to get disconnected. Because, it has become a part of our day to day life. From the morning’s bed time news to late night chats you are on the Internet all the time.

RegEx: The Basics

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

Regular Expression (regex) is used to find a pattern in strings. It is widely popular in the programming languages and can also be used to find something in the text editors. Here, irrespective of the programming language, we will try to learn the basics of how to build a regex to get you started quickly.

Let’s start by different ways of matching string.

Tiny habit to make your album management easier

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

Nowadays we all have a smartphone with a descent camera. We are addicted to take photos on the go. They are countless. We are used to take thousands of photos in a day or two day trip. And that makes management worst. Uploading, sharing and backing up those large quantity photos makes the process harder. A little change in the way we take photos can make this a lot easier.

How technology has changed our lives !

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

I remember the time when you have to stand up in long queues to get your work done, or to go out you need to leave the house little early so that you can find auto or cab and reach to your destination on time. But, now is the time with the help of technology, cab is a few clicks (or tap) away to get you in time. And a few clicks to submit your application form or pay your bills is just a matter of few moments. Its all because of the technology. The old time which I’m talking is not too old. It was just a few years ago.

Privacy : A big problem or No problem

Kirtan Thakkar

Kirtan Thakkar

Life is all about learning

Now-a-days , all internet users are taking care of their privacy of their profiles and their photos and all sensitive information, data of their. But sometimes I think is it a big issue? May be yes or may be not. Today Facebook and now Google Plus also are our most important things to do in our life. We do most of the things on this social networking websites. Most of the time chatting with friends on Facebook. Even sometimes with a stranger. Chatting about our life to a stranger. Is it worthy? Is it good? Of, course not for most of us. But some people don’t mind in doing that. The new friends they call, may be internet friends is a good word for that.